“Can I? Will I?” moments

French version follows

Here are a few things that I believe in. I speak about them regularly.

v  There is no joy overachieving on mediocre goals.

v  Stress is the spice of life. It simply means we care about what we are doing. (Anxiety is what occurs when we are not prepared).

v  In the pursuit of anything of value, we will be presented with at least one “Can I? Will I?” moment.  At that moment we have three choices:

  1. Quit. Be overwhelmed by the task. Assign blame and responsibility to others.
  2. Give up control; contribute nothing more, nothing less. Let the finish line come to you: Close your eyes and pray for the end.
  3. Attack.  Push into your fears with your eyes wide open. Accept that you are both in control AND in unknown territory.
  • If you quit once you are cracked, if you quit twice you are broken and have taught yourself to be a quitter.
  • If you give up control of the outcome and let it come to you, you will find yourself filled with remorse.  Thoughts of “I wish I would have…” will linger with you like a bad smell.
  • If you attack – everything is possible.  If you attack – you still cannot guarantee the outcome, but you can feel great about your effort. Continue reading

Know what you can expect and you have the power to control how you feel about it.

December has arrived and I’ve got a couple of extra things to say… Here is the first of 3 December messages you are doing well,

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out !


Vanoc has done studies… observations let’s say… of the weather in February and how the schedule of events would have played out over the last few years.  Last year, there would have been only a couple of minor delays with all events getting off on the correct day. The year before, there were a few more delays and a few events would have been postponed to another day but the Games would have finished on time.  This is not upsetting information- it is simply stats and comparisons.  It gives us an idea of what could possibly happen, but we know, it will likely be different.

In the same way the COC has looked at the results from last year’s World Championships Continue reading

Somebody is going to do it

French follows

The other day I was taking my laundry to my laundry room and a sock fell onto the stairs; I kept walking, ‘somebody will get it’. I must have walked past that sock 4 or 5 times before I realized I was going to have to be that somebody!! You know… the same somebody who empties the dishwasher, or brings in the garbage can… ‘Somebody will do it”!

Well, it works the same way for winning. Somebody is going to do it: No matter how great or how shitty the day: No matter how early or late in the season: No matter how fair or unfair the situation. Somebody is going to win.

Don’t get caught waiting for somebody ELSE to do it – BE YOUR OWN SOMEBODY! Continue reading