French version follows
Here are a few things that I believe in. I speak about them regularly.
v There is no joy overachieving on mediocre goals.
v Stress is the spice of life. It simply means we care about what we are doing. (Anxiety is what occurs when we are not prepared).
v In the pursuit of anything of value, we will be presented with at least one “Can I? Will I?” moment. At that moment we have three choices:
- Quit. Be overwhelmed by the task. Assign blame and responsibility to others.
- Give up control; contribute nothing more, nothing less. Let the finish line come to you: Close your eyes and pray for the end.
- Attack. Push into your fears with your eyes wide open. Accept that you are both in control AND in unknown territory.
- If you quit once you are cracked, if you quit twice you are broken and have taught yourself to be a quitter.
- If you give up control of the outcome and let it come to you, you will find yourself filled with remorse. Thoughts of “I wish I would have…” will linger with you like a bad smell.
- If you attack – everything is possible. If you attack – you still cannot guarantee the outcome, but you can feel great about your effort. Continue reading