Recently, after a presentation to the Ontario Real Estate Association I was asked to discuss a few of the points that I’d spoken about for their pod cast.
Our conversation covered turning our dreams into goals, curiosity, learning, and the stress that accompanies all of these things. As we progressed, a short discussion evolved on how too often we let our experience actually block our advancement instead of supporting it. Finally we finish on one of my favourite topics… how I – an obvious extrovert – figured out that my introverted rowing partner, Kathleen Heddle, didn’t need to be vocal – like me – to be extraordinarily talented – ( she was). I could hope that she would ‘throw me a bone’ but I had to learn not to expect ‘the bone’ that I wanted. When I did, and we learned to accept each other for who we were and what we had to offer, we became great athletes – world and olympic champions.
“In her interview with the OREA Centre for Leadership Development, Marnie explains some of the things she learned about achieving her dreams. “First all you have to do is put one little pinhole, one little waypoint, between who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow. As soon as you have one waypoint, you have a path. And as you start going along that path you will probably put in sometimes hundreds of waypoints between you and the goal you want to achieve.”