Hard work pays off

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September!  That means Summer is done, we’re into Fall and… Winter is around the corner!!! This month’s message is short and sweet.

In April’s note I sent you this…

In the pool, at the Spring (Canadian) National Championships, Anna May Pierce set a new world record, short course 200m breaststroke, (and won a car for doing it!). She had in her mind that “The world record is just someone else’s best time”.

Well, by the end of summer, after the World Aquatic Championships,  Annamay had this as her Facebook status…

Annamay Pierse one year of death training, one puking set, countless hours at the pool, 4 World Records, 1 epic summer = PRICELESS!!

Enough said!

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it’s a Team effort

(French version follows)

Hi there,

Training is such a quiet and anonymous time. This month I wanted to drive home that you are part of something bigger than just the group around you.

As I’m sure you are all in the nuts and bolts of training I thought I’d give you a few of the nuts and bolts behind the scene.  Well – they’re not actually behind the scene – they contribute to the stage that holds you up.  From time to time, I read stuff that is based on mis-information.  How much are you really aware of the support system behind you? Continue reading

A coffee cup and a t-shirt

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Happy Canada Day!!! Maybe not the best place to admit that sometimes I ‘talk’ to our flag. I’m not as bad as I used to be… I kind of used to negotiate with it – you know, what it meant to me, and what I wanted to do for it… Now I just mutter to myself about how proud I am for Canada, and thank it. We really do have a great country.  And… we kind of know that more than most Canadians.  Continue reading

Motivation is like a puppy

Wow, was the Olympic Excellence Series really only 1 month ago?!!!

Apparently getting motivated and inspired is easy. Staying motivated and inspired… that’s the hard part!

Summer training is a back-to-basics time; volume, fitness and when you get intensity – it comes only on the back of lots of volume and fatigue. Makes competition season look pretty cushy!! This is usually a time to try to break bad habits and entrench new efficient motions. Which as we all know… is easier said than done. Continue reading